Latest Steel Industry News
Below you will find MEPS Steel Industry News – the latest news from the global steel sector written by our steel market experts. You can sign up here to receive the latest articles as soon as they are published.
- Polish steel demand remains bullish
Polish steel demand remains bullish
01.04.2021In Poland, demand for steel sheet and coil remains strong. Material shortages and extended mill delivery times continue to be a challenge for buyers. - US coil prices continue to soar
US coil prices continue to soar
31.03.2021US coil prices continued their upward climb, in recent weeks. Hot rolled coil basis values have surpassed the US$1300 per short ton mark and are set to increase further. - Regional stainless steel flat product prices reach multi-year highs
Regional stainless steel flat product prices reach multi-year highs
30.03.2021Global stainless steel prices continued to strengthen in early March, most notably for 300 series coil and sheet. The upward trend is supported by healthy demand, severe material shortages, and extended delivery lead times for replacement tonnages. - Rising Chinese prices drive global steel values upwards
Rising Chinese prices drive global steel values upwards
25.03.2021The global steel sector was in a state of reflection, in the first half of February. Supply chain participants were looking to the Chinese market and developments in the post-Lunar New Year holidays for direction. - Nordic flat product prices continue to rise
Nordic flat product prices continue to rise
25.03.2021Northern European flat product prices continued to rise, throughout March, amid tight supply. This is preventing customers from building inventory. Value-added coil and sheet are particularly difficult to source. - European steel coil prices forecast to reach record levels
European steel coil prices forecast to reach record levels
22.03.2021Tight supply is expected to propel sheet and coil prices, in Europe, to all-time high figures, in the near term. The recovery in the Chinese steel market, following the Lunar New Year holidays, was stronger than anticipated. - European coil market constrained by shortages
European coil market constrained by shortages
19.03.2021European hot rolled coil prices are approaching record high levels, in both the north and the south of the continent. The MEPS regional average transaction value, for March, stands at €753 per tonne. - EU stainless steel buyers query March alloy surcharges
EU stainless steel buyers query March alloy surcharges
04.03.2021Uncertainty currently surrounds European stainless steel alloy surcharges. Many buyers are questioning if the method of calculation used by the mills has changed. - US stainless steel prices forecast to reach 9-year high
US stainless steel prices forecast to reach 9-year high
03.03.2021The past twelve months was a turbulent time for all those involved in the US stainless steel market. In a dramatic turnaround, the unprecedented pandemic-induced slump in steel requirements was superseded by strong demand, stock shortages and soaring - Global stainless output falls for first time in 5 years
Global stainless output falls for first time in 5 years
02.03.2021Global crude stainless steel production decreased to approximately 50.7 million tonnes in 2020 – down almost 3 percent, year-on-year. This reduction is lower than initially expected at the onset of the coronavirus pandemic. - Carmakers forced to cut production due to global chip shortage
Carmakers forced to cut production due to global chip shortage
01.03.2021The global car industry is showing signs of a strong recovery, after coming to a standstill when the coronavirus pandemic took hold, early last year.