Competition Compliance Policy Statement


MEPS International Ltd. is committed to the compliance with antitrust and corruption laws of all the countries which are applicable to its business. The policy applies to all Directors and employees who are expected to uphold the highest ethical standards at all times.

Policy Statement

All Directors and employees of the company are expected to always comply with the company antitrust and competition policy.

Directors and employees will never:

  • Disclose any confidential, or commercially sensitive information to any individual customer, competitor, or contact.
  • Participate in any activity or discussion that is considered to be anti-competitive.
  • Discuss, or disclose pricing, discounts, or terms of business with any competitor, or potential competitor.
  • Be in receipt of confidential, or commercially sensitive information of any individual customer, or competitor.
  • Accept social invitations from competitors or customers.
  • Discuss topics that could affect pricing, business decisions, terms of business, or profit margins.
  • Accept offers of entertainment or gifts from a customer, contact or competitor that is of a value that would be considered of sufficient value to influence business decisions.
  • Accept cash as a gift.

Directors and employee will always:

  • Declare if they are attending an event where they might meet or encounter customers, contacts, or competitors.
  • Report any instances where a member of staff has inadvertently come into contact with a customer, contact, or competitor.
  • Provide an opportunity for employees to ask for advice.
  • Provide a confidential system for employees to report any concerns they may have.
  • Regularly review and update policy and compliance.
  • Uphold and comply with MEPS Research Methodology Policy.
  • Operate a clear, open, and transparent product pricing policy to its customers.

Reporting concerns:

All suspected unethical conduct must be reported to a company director. All concerns will be treated confidentially. The company will promptly investigate concerns raised. Once the investigation is concluded, the company will take all appropriate and necessary action to resolve any issues.