Latest Steel Industry News
Below you will find MEPS Steel Industry News – the latest news from the global steel sector written by our steel market experts. You can sign up here to receive the latest articles as soon as they are published.
- Italian steel market fails to reflect football fever
Italian steel market fails to reflect football fever
14.07.2021Football fever is currently sweeping Italy following their dramatic European Championship triumph. In contrast, relative calm is being reported in the domestic steel flat products market, this month. - New Capacity Roundup
New Capacity Roundup
13.07.2021Here is a rundown of the major steelmakers' latest production and capacity investments announced this month. - Polish manufacturing activity hits all-time high
Polish manufacturing activity hits all-time high
02.07.2021The manufacturing industry in Poland continues to recover from the effects of the coronavirus pandemic. The IHS Markit Manufacturing Purchasing Managers’ Index rose to an all-time high of 57.2 in May. - South African steel market demonstrates resilience
South African steel market demonstrates resilience
02.07.2021Despite several headwinds, the South African steel market has shown remarkable resilience during these challenging times. - US hot rolled coil prices surpass US$1700/st
US hot rolled coil prices surpass US$1700/st
01.07.2021US steel prices continue to climb, with those for hot rolled coil now exceeding US$1700 per short ton. This unprecedented level is matched by strong activity in most end-user sectors. The upward momentum in prices is expected to persist, in the near term. - EU stainless buyers scrambling to secure tonnages for 2022
EU stainless buyers scrambling to secure tonnages for 2022
30.06.2021European coil and sheet transaction values continued to rise in June. Further increases are already on the horizon for July. - Buyers question the need for continued trade protection
Buyers question the need for continued trade protection
28.06.2021Steel buyers in many countries are becoming increasingly frustrated at the lack of material available in their local markets and the obstructions to obtaining foreign supply. - Hup Holland Hup!
Hup Holland Hup!
25.06.2021With the summer holiday period fast approaching, steel buyers in the Netherlands can look forward to some relaxation and football, at least temporarily. - How did steel prices reach record highs during a global pandemic?
How did steel prices reach record highs during a global pandemic?
22.06.2021In the past twelve months, the MEPS Europe hot rolled coil price has increased by more than €700 per tonne. How did this unprecedented situation transpire? - Mixed signals from European steel market
Mixed signals from European steel market
21.06.2021At the start of June, the direction of European steel coil prices became unclear. The rate of increase had slowed. The automobile industry cut back output, because of the semiconductor shortage. - Shortages continue to drive up EU stainless steel prices
Shortages continue to drive up EU stainless steel prices
02.06.2021Limited availability continues to propel European stainless steel prices on an upward trajectory. The MEPS published European average transaction value, for 304 cold rolled coil, increased by approximately €140 per tonne, in May.