Latest Steel Industry News
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- Southern European mills target price increases buoyed by unattractive import offers
Southern European mills target price increases buoyed by unattractive import offers
23.07.2020Modest coil price increases were recorded in southern Europe, this month, due to a lack of attractive import quotations and the impact of the revised EC safeguard quotas. Steel market participants are hopeful that the €750 billion Covid-19 recovery packag - Nordic steel prices reach the bottom of the current cycle
Nordic steel prices reach the bottom of the current cycle
22.07.2020Northern European mills’ selling values for strip mill products reached a low point, in late June. Regional producers proposed price increases of €20/30 per tonne, or equivalent, for new business. - UK structural steel demand depressed as rising costs squeeze margins
UK structural steel demand depressed as rising costs squeeze margins
21.07.2020The UK beam market remains depressed, and supply is outweighing demand. Low-priced offers from UK and Spanish-based producers are exerting negative pressure across Western Europe. Buyers, observing the downward trend, are reluctant to purchase material. - EU steel prices expected to rise after Q2 downturn
EU steel prices expected to rise after Q2 downturn
20.07.2020Flat products basis values continued to edge downwards across Europe in late June. Nevertheless, EU mills are keen to implement price rises, citing growing raw material costs and low profit margins. - Stainless steel quota uptake remains high in July
Stainless steel quota uptake remains high in July
13.07.2020Imports of steel products have been subject to European Commission safeguard measures, since their introduction in 2018. During the July 1, 2019 to June 30, 2020 period, stainless hot rolled flat products, largely, had unused volumes available. - EU stainless steel mills fail to pass on raw material cost increases
EU stainless steel mills fail to pass on raw material cost increases
02.07.2020European stainless steel prices continued to fall, despite rises in regional mills’ published alloy surcharges, in June. The majority of distributors and stockists now negotiate deals with the stainless steel producers using an ‘effective price’, rather - European stainless steel sector faces reality of a slow recovery
European stainless steel sector faces reality of a slow recovery
01.07.2020Hopes of a quick recovery, in the European stainless steel market, have faded. Demand remains a concern, even in those countries where successful efforts have been made to control the virus. - US steel price recovery comes to a halt
US steel price recovery comes to a halt
30.06.2020The recovery in US steel prices, that commenced in early May, came to a halt in recent weeks. Coil basis values struggled to reach the levels desired by the mills, as buyers remained cautious in their purchasing activity. - Global steel output declines by 8.7% in May
Global steel output declines by 8.7% in May
30.06.2020Global crude steel output is estimated at 148.8 million tonnes in May. This represents a decrease of 8.7 percent, year-on-year. The reduction was not as dramatic as the 13.4 percent recorded in April, at the peak of the Covid-19 lockdown measures. - Russian long steel prices rise, flats fall
Russian long steel prices rise, flats fall
30.06.2020Russian domestic long product prices increased, this month. In contrast, local mills conceded discounts for flat products.Demand from the construction industry is recovering, albeit at a slow pace, as coronavirus-related restrictions are lifted. - Polish and Czech steel prices continue to decline in June
Polish and Czech steel prices continue to decline in June
29.06.2020MEPS recorded reductions in the price of steel products in Poland and the Czech Republic, in June.