MEPS to deliver CBAM insight to NASS members
MEPS International will share insight into the EU Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) and plans for a UK CBAM at the National Association of Steel Service Centres’ (NASS) February meeting.
Steel market analyst Jonathan Carruthers-Green will represent the independent steel price and insight provider as a guest speaker at the UK industry body’s event at The Celtic Manor Resort, near Newport, South Wales, on February 29.
“I am very pleased to have the opportunity to address the NASS Product Group meeting on behalf of MEPS International. The CBAM initiative places significant obligations on the steel industry so I encourage anyone who wants to find out more to join the conversation and explore the important role it will have in our industry's future”, said Carruthers-Green, who has previously hosted a CBAM webinar for MEPS, in partnership with the British Stainless Steel Association (BSSA).
NASS members can attend the Product Group meeting free of charge. Entry is charged at £100 for non-members. The day’s activities include a tour of facilities at specialist steel shipping and storage business WE Dowds.
Other guest speakers at the meeting include Kerry Deal, head of business development at Freight Investor Services, a global brokerage in freight and commodities. Neil Stott, business development director at solar energy specialist MyPower, will also be speaking to attendees.
The introduction of the European Commission’s emissions-based CBAM import regulations began on October 1 last year. The UK Government has also announced plans for its own CBAM import regulations, which will be launched in 2027.
MEPS recently reported on updates to the European Commission’s CBAM guidance, which provided default embedded carbon emissions values. These can be used to calculate the volume of greenhouse gas emissions embedded in the steel they import into the EU during the initial part of the transitional phase of CBAM’s implementation.
Last month, technical issues with the Commission’s CBAM reporting systems led to a month-long extension to the first reporting period (October 1 to December 31, 2023) for those who encountered issues. The deadline for reports had been January 31.
For more information about the NASS’s February 29 Product Group meeting, and details of how to attend, email Claire Carron via or visit the NASS website.

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