MEPS 5-year forecasts published in Steel Price Outlook
MEPS International has published its latest five-year forecasts for Europe, North America and Asia in the new Steel Price Outlook 2024 report.
The publication draws on MEPS’s independently researched carbon steel prices and comprehensive price history to deliver insight into the direction of flat and long products between 2024 and 2029.
Analysis of the global economy and raw materials prices is also provided in the report, which combines market commentaries alongside actionable price data.
- Visit the MEPS website today to secure your copy of MEPS’s Steel Price Outlook report.
MEPS’s head of price analysis and forecasts, Kaye Ayub, said: “With global steel prices depressed by a range of economic and political factors in 2024, it has never been more important for companies in the steel industry to gain a view of the road ahead.
"Researching the Steel Price Outlook report gave our analysts time to reflect on the numerous factors influencing prices now and those that will come into play between now and 2029 to ensure MEPS customers benefit from the best possible insight to inform their business decisions in the months and years to come."
MEPS’s Steel Price Outlook report explores a wide range of factors currently affecting the streel industry; from overcapacity issues which have been exacerbated by economic slowdowns in Asia and Europe, to the influence of decarbonisation and the affect of increased trade defence measures on global trade.
Earlier this week MEPS recorded a new podcast reflecting on the steel industry’s key influences in 2024. Featuring some members of the team that created the Steel Price Outlook report, it also explores the sector’s prospects for 2025 and 2026. The ‘Speaking of Steel: how will 2024's top trends shape the market outlook?’ podcast is available now via YouTube and Spotify.
MEPS International’s Steel Price Outlook was published today, December 12. Buy a copy now to access the steel price data that will help your business navigate the challenges ahead.

Steel Price Outlook
MEPS Steel Price Outlook is a detailed 5-year steel price forecast with data focusing on Europe, North America and Asia.
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